Preparing for your
Australian Labradoodle Puppy
Your #1 priority is to maintain good health in your puppy
Start by scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian. Your appointment will need to be within 72 hours from the time you receive your puppy as stated in our Sales Contract. Be sure to bring in a fresh stool sample the day of your appointment. Any health concerns must be reported back to the breeder within the 72 hours. *Your puppy will have already been checked by our veterinarian but this appointment is very important for you and your puppy to establish a relationship with your Veterinarian. Your Veterinarian will assist you with scheduling all follow-up vaccinations, de-worming, spay or neutering and rabies vaccines.
Order Life's Abundance Puppy Pack & Floor Cleaner
Order Sm/Med Breed Puppy Healthy Start or call 1-877-387-4564 and provide ID number #20104864 to order over the phone (Please use our ID number when calling to make sure Sugar Pine Doodles can track your name and purchase history for your 8 year guarantee.) If you click on the links then you do not need to include the ID number because it's built into the link. This affordable package includes:
Click here to see puppy items we use and recommend
Enroll in Pet Insurance
We highly recommend Veterinary Pet Insurance. The Trupanion policy can help protect your dog and your finances. When your dog gets sick or injured, the last thing you want to think about is how much the right treatment will cost. Dog health insurance helps protect you from that financial burden and makes sure you can focus on getting the best care possible for your pooch. Whether your dog has several minor incidents or develops a serious medical condition like cancer, pet insurance helps shield your budget from unexpected veterinary costs. Knowing that your dog’s healthcare is covered helps allow you to determine the course of treatment based on what is most effective for the health and happiness of your dog (not on the size of your wallet). With dog medical insurance, you can rest assured knowing your canine friend will be taken care of.
After enrolling with Trupanion, if you need to make a claim, you will be reimbursed 90% of covered healthcare expenses for your dog.* You pay the remaining 10%, as well as your monthly premium, examination fees, and routine preventive care. You know what’s best for your pet. That’s why we reimburse you based on your actual veterinary bill and never use benefit fee schedules or “usual and customary” payouts. You can work with your veterinarian of choice or visit a specialist or emergency room and you'll be reimbursed just the same. There's no need to search for a specific veterinarian who will treat your pet within a certain price point. With a Trupanion policy, there are also no payout limits per condition, or per year, and or for the lifetime of your pet. If you have an unlucky pet that has a lifetime of serious health conditions or ongoing care, you will never see a cap on how much you will be reimbursed. *Terms and conditions apply. See the policy for details.
How do you get started? When you pick up your puppy we will provide you with a certificate that needs to be activated within 24 hours of receiving it. You can call 1-855-828-1419 or go to or copy in browser: Once on the website click on Activate my certificate and you can follow the steps and get your coverage options available for your doodle. This insurance is not required for our 8 year health guarantee; however, we will not honor our 8 year health guarantee for a pet that could have been treated but wasn’t due to high medical costs.
We've had many positive reviews about many pet insurance companies and we don't prefer one over another. After getting those emergency messages from our families we feel very confident in saying that pet insurance is a wonderful investment. For example, November 3rd, 2014, Josh contacted me that his doodle-child, Hunter Rose, was in the ER. His message went like this:
Josh's Story & Why Pet Insurance Is Worth Your Consideration
"Hey guys, I just wanted to give you an update on hunter. I went and visited her at the ER today and she is definitely in worse shape than she was yesterday but I remain hopeful that she will make a full recovery. There are taking good care of her but she was really really lethargic and just slept in my lap. She had just had a diarrhea blowout when I arrived and was all wet on her bottom from getting washed down. I sat with her in my lap on the ground for about 45 mins until my legs fell asleep. when I stood up I realized that I was sitting in a puddle of bloody water. I of course go into shock and get a nurse who take her to the back and hook her back up to her iv. The Dr. then came out and talked to me a bit, although I was a total emotional mess and my pants were soaked from sitting in her blowout that I could not process the conversation that well. I think they feel it is most likely HGE(?) and is a pretty severe case. I told them to do whatever it take to make her well. I am thankful I have pet insurance, but now regretting not getting the platinum plan. "
““When Hunter got sick last year it cost me $6,000 out of pocket. I got over $4,000 back. Much more than I expected, but more importantly, a healthy dog back.”
After going through those extremely difficult days, worrying about Hunter Rose and Joshua, I was traumatized and lacking sleep. to hear that Pet Insurance helped him and allowed him to worry about Hunter Rose and not the money, we were committed to educating our families and taking extra time to create this part of our website.
Order Pet Protector
Order Pet Protector for non toxic and non chemical flee, tick, mosquito, and all other external parasite prevention. Effective on all dogs and cats of any age including ill, convalescent and pregnant pets. Pet Protector is a metal medallion disc put on the collar and never removed for 4 years, even during bathing. This disc creates a vibration that protects your pet making flees, ticks, mosquitoes, and all other external parasites with the critters jumping off of your pet. It is safe to touch and doesn’t require hand washing after touching it or after holding pet like with normal poisons put on pets. When the Pet Protector is first put on, your pet must be flee and tick free for two weeks. During this time you may need to use the chemical drops on your pet’s skin if critters are bad in your area. We have been so thrilled with our Pet Protector discs. We used to find ticks on our doodles and now there are none since we started using the discs.
Repels fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and all other external parasites including Australian paralysis tick
Chemical-free, 100% safe for animals and humans
Lasts up to 4 years
Costs 20 times less than other anti-parasite products
Water resistant
Effective on dogs and cats of any age (even newborns), any weight, including ill, convalescent and pregnant pets
100% odorless
Produces Scalar waves and creates an impenetrable, protective shield around the animal's body
Officially tested and proven
Successfully protecting pets in 197 countries worldwide
Please order your Pet Protector: Pet Protector Ordering Page or copy link: as we are concerned how easy it will be to purchase a counterfeit. The Pet Protector Disc is around 75 dollars and lasts for 4 years with no chemicals to pollute your pet, you, or your home. It is 20 times less than other anti-parasite products. Please consult your vet and inquire about heart worm in your area. We do recommend heart worm medication for doodles in affected areas or if you travel to affected areas. Pet Protector does have some protection against insects, as stated on their site; however, always error on the side of caution if you live in an infected area and use additional medication. When selecting medication please do your homework and select the safest with the least amount of side effects. Your vet will know the best type.
Avoid Public Place Until Vaccines are Complete
Do not bring your puppy to public places until ALL puppy vaccinations are completed. If you stay on schedule, your puppy’s vaccines should be completed at 4 months of age. Limit your puppy to your own home and backyard. Although they are welcome at pet stores PLEASE do not bring them there. Many puppy viruses can simply be contracted by walking on the ground where an infected pet has been. The most serious and life threatening viruses such as Parvo and Distemper can live in an environment for many months and still be highly contagious. Also, do not put your puppy on the floor at your vets office or walk your puppy on a leash through your neighborhood.
Continue Feeding & Using Life's Abundance Products
Continue feeding the same brand of puppy food we are feeding your puppy. Life’s Abundance Dog Food only ( We feed our Australian Labradoodle’s & Doodle Rescues only premium quality dry puppy/dog food from Life’s Abundance to ensure proper nutrition, a healthy coat, minimal vet bills, and a long healthy life . We recommend & highly encourage our Puppy Families to order the Life’s Abundance Puppy Pack for approx. $80 and $20 shipping. FOUND AT: Sugar Pine Doodle’s provides an 8 year health guarantee for using Life’s Abundance products for dog food, treats, enzyme floor cleaner, grooming products, treats/chew items, and pet insurance plus Pet Protector. Canned food should never be an option in a regular diet or for moistening food. It causes softer, smellier stools and promotes early tooth decay. Do not over feed your puppy or free feed if he eats a lot. It is recommended to set a feeding time for morning and evening. Each brand of food calls for different feeding portions, we are currently feeding our puppies a half a cup twice a day for a total of 1 cup a day. Refer to the feeding chart on your bag of Life’s Abundance food for the puppy/dogs weight and portion amount. Life’s Abundance Dog Food is for puppy through adult. Serving portions may change but not the food.
Sm/Med Breed Puppy Healthy Start *best pack to order for new puppy families
Brush Your Doodle’s Teeth Regularly
Brush your puppy’s/dog’s teeth regularly, purchase a tooth brush and dog tooth paste, and start early brushing your puppy’s teeth so you will be able to continue as they grow. It is critical to brush your puppy’s/dog’s teeth, minimally every other day, if you are feeding homemade foods, wet dog foods, or any foods other than dry kibble or kibble with water. Greenies or similar teeth cleaning treats are not enough for your pet’s oral health and eventually you will have to put your pet put under for a complete tartar cleaning. This is not only expensive, it’s preventable, and it can be deadly. Tragically, many animals put under don’t wake up. Sugar Pine Doodle’s 8 year health guarantee requires proper health maintenance and feeding of Life’s Abundance Puppy/Dog Food for this very reason. Dogs fed an improper balance of nutrients, wet sticky people foods, on a regular basis, with minimal kibble tend to have many health problems including early tooth decay, thyroid issues, and diabetes. Unless you are a dog food nutritionist with professional training avoid being a “dog food chef” as you are most definitely doing more harm than good. A best example is this: Feeding your toddler macaroni and cheese with chicken nuggets verses feeding them chicken, vegetable soup with a salad. Yes, they will gobble up the mac-n-cheese and nuggets building their taste buds for that type of food but in the long run you will have a child craving junk and predisposed to diabetes and other health issues. Your Doodle is no different.
Ear Maintenance is Needed
Ear maintenance is needed. It is important to keep your puppy’s ears Clean and Dry to prevent ear infections. There are cleaning and drying products available from Life’s Abundance that comes in the puppy pack and can be ordered as needed. Often labradoodles (just like poodles) can have a lot of hair in the ear canal which may need to be plucked by your veterinarian or groomer. Weekly or bi-weekly cleaning is needed to help prevent ear infection. Using the LA ear cleaner drops into the ear, massage the ear by rubbing on the skin below the ear opening, thereby loosing debris in the ear canal, place a cotton ball in the ear to absorb the moisture, allow your Doodle to shake their head, put another cotton ball in their ear and rub the ear to allow the cotton ball to absorb the remaining fluid. Repeat, until the cotton ball comes out clean.
Do Not Run With Your Puppy Until It's 1 ½ Years Old
Do not run with your puppy until he is about 18 months old. Repetitive movement on a leash can cause stress on joints. You could cause or contribute to joint problems that could affect your dog for the rest of his life. Free play and exercise off leash will be ok. Short walks and training to walk on a leash is ok too.
Your Second Priority
is to Train and Properly Socialize Your Puppy
Take Your Puppy to a Training or Obedience Class
Take your puppy to a training or obedience class. At 4 months of age is a great time to start. Earlier classes are available for younger pups but remember your puppy will not be fully vaccinated yet. So be aware of the risks should you start before all vaccines are given. The earlier classes do provide basic training and tips to prevent behavior problems before they start so there is a definite benefit to these early classes especially if you have children in your home. I also recommend a book called “Raising Puppies with Kids”- A Parents Guide. Your first year with your puppy requires a lot of time and energy. It is up to you to help your puppy become a well behaved member of your family, one that you will all enjoy spending time with. *Give treats only when you are ready to start consistently training. Never give treats ”Just Because”. Also never feed table scraps unless you want your dog begging or getting on the tables and counters all the time. Some treats can often upset a young pup’s tummy too. It is best to save treats for training and when your dog is an adult and already trained.
Socializing Your Puppy
Socializing your puppy is important to maintain a well rounded temperament. Be sure to let your puppy play with other pups and dogs. Puppy socializing and play groups are offered through pet stores and can be a great way for you and your puppy to experience other dogs and people. Expose your puppy to as many people of all ages on a regular basis. Early in the puppy months start going to your groomer or vet for basic nail clips or ear cleaning. And frequent short car rides are important to prevent stress when traveling in the future to the vet, groomer, parks, etc.
Protect Your Puppy from Young Children
Protect your puppy from young children. This is a very important step in successfully raising your new puppy with your children or grandchildren. A puppy must have his own space where he is safe and can retreat to when feeling overwhelmed by a young child. All too often temperaments of puppy’s change for the worse due to being left unattended with a young child. Check your book stores and pet stores for the great books that are available regarding raising a puppy and child together.
Avoid made in China treats
This goes without saying, stay away from anything that is made in China. To be truly safe, just buy American made dog items. July of 2015 many of the box stores have committed to removing all China made treats and food from their stores. As a result, we may see the products being removed shipped to Canada, Brazil, Mexico, etc and then brought back in being make in those countries when in reality it's China's poisonous, dangerous, mystery food. We do speak from experience. We lost a doodle to tainted, toxic dehydrated chicken treats. As a result, we sudden became very passionate about dog products and we found Life's Abundance and the rest is history. In case you don't know, Life's Abundance is made in the USA and it's never had a recall. It's one of the only made in the USA dog food companies that's never had a recall. Originally, I was told they were the only one but I've read in many groups, I belong to, that there may be one other, privately owned dog food company that can make that claim. Needless to say, it's really easy to just order all your products from Life's Abundance, go on autoship. save money and rest assured you won't accidentally get toxic, poisonous food disgusted as wholesome. It's easy to be tricked. I've gotten home numerous times after grabbing some cute treats or chews only to have my son point out it's made in China. I'm now on auto ship for all of Life's Abundance Products.
Sugar Pine Doodles reserves the right to hold back, switch or exchange any puppy for any reason.